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Web Builder General Tutorial


The images in this tutorial have been cropped for speed...

Download the zipped Word document.


Things to remember:

When uploading images:

    • Make sure that the file size is relatively small (20-30 KB is generally okay).

    • Make sure that the image itself isn't too big - generally no more than 600 pixels wide.  If your template doesn't allow that much space, people will have to scroll sideways (not good!) to see your pictures and read your text.

Shortcut: Clicking an image will bring you back here.



Address Bar

Address bar - type your domain name

Log in

Log in

Welcome Back screen

Click the part that says, "Click here to continue editing your web site."

Welcome Back Screen

Top Menu

This is the top menu.  From it, you can add a page, check out the site map, put your pages in order, and change the site settings.

Top Web Builder Menu

Add a Page

When adding a page, I usually use "Your Own HTML" as a template.  It is easier to customize it...

"Catalog page" is great for photo albums.

Add a page - templates

Site Map

The site map button (top of the screen) will allow you to see a list of all your pages and you can then click the magnifying glass to view it, Edit to edit, Settings to change page settings, or delete to get rid of it.

Site Map screen

Order Pages

Select (in the list box) the page you want to move, then click the up or down arrows until it is where you want it.

Site Settings Menu

    • This allows you to change the theme (not recommended if you already have everything such as wallpaper, colors, etc. customized!).  If you are just starting to create one, I took screenshots of the templates which may make it easier to choose. 
    • Change Global Settings
    • Site theme/effects - these are nice, but may slow down your pages.
    • Load/save your site - important!  Don't forget to save your work before logging out!  I've made it a habit to save, then publish.
    • Start Over - not recommended!
    • Refresh images & Change Language - mostly just ignore these...

Site Settings menu


Save Screen

Type a name to save your work as - you can type the same name if you want to overwrite one.

Always save your work before logging out!  You don't have to publish it right away...

Save screen

View Tab

The view tab shows you what your page will look like.

View tab - view your pages

Edit Tab

The edit tab is where you enter your page content.  See Editor description.

Edit tab - edit your page

Settings Tab

Settings tab - edit settings for your page
Settings - edit page title, button text, file name, background options Page title - once published, this will be seen at the top of your browser.  (This page is titled "WendyLeBel.com - Web Consulting, Design, Graphics, Flash, Tutorials - Web Builder General Tutorial".)  It's a good idea to title things with descriptions and keywords in them (for search engines).

Button text - this is what will appear on your navigation bar.  Depending on which template you use, you may have to keep it short.

File name - use something like "contact_us" - leave out the .html part and only use lowercase letters and no punctuation other than _ (underscore) and - (dash).

Background Image - not recommended to change.  Background images must be a very small file size and easily tiled.  Also, it is best to keep the same background image on all pages in your site (for consistency).

Background Sound - not recommended - this usually will slow down your page...  

Background Color - if you have wallpaper chosen, this will rarely be seen.

Settings - edit other settings for your pageStyle Color - if you use the wallpaper that comes with the theme, you can change the style color.

Your pictures - some templates have this option (though I think most don't).

Link color - color of links - changing this in some templates will cause your navigation text to change, too.  If this is the case, you can leave this as is and change the link colors in your site manually.

Active Link color - ignore...

Visited Link color - when someone has been to that page already, you can have it show up in a different color.

"Powered by Logo" - ignore

URL - ignore

Copyright - If you don't put something there for every page, it will put a link to your hosting company on it.

Make this page invisible - ignore

Next - click this button when your changes are complete.

Settings - edit font properties for your pageThere are usually 3 of these on the settings tab - Title, Text and Heading.  Doesn't seem to change much, though.  If you specify the font in the page itself, it may not change it...

Editor (HTML/Rich text)

This may be called WYSIWYG HTML editor - that stands for What You See Is What You Get.

Editor - the buttons

Always save the page after you've edited it (if you want to keep your changes)!

This is a lot like using Microsoft Word.

Editor - Right Click Menu

Editor - right click menu

Inserting a Table

Clicking the Insert Table button in the Editor brings up this menu.  Start by clicking Insert Table.

Insert table

Table Options

Tables are very helpful for making things appear where you want them to.

Table options dialog

rows & columns

Usually, it is a good idea to put the width at 100% - this means it will shrink itself if a visitor's screen resolution is smaller (so they don't have to scroll over).

Border - typically, when using Web Builder, I put the border at 1 until I'm done editing.

Cell Properties

Once you have a table inserted, you can change the cell properties individually if you'd like to.

Right clicking in a cell brings up this menu

Cell Options - usually I change the vertical alignment to Top.

Cell options

To select a table, hold your mouse over its borders until your mouse looks kind of like this:

Selecting a table


Inserting Images

Remember not to have images that are too large - they will break the program!!!

*If you are using the catalog template for an image gallery, here is another tutorial for it.

Uploading means sending data from your computer to another.  Downloading is receiving data.

When you click the Image Options button in the Editor or Select Image button from some of the other screens, this window pops up.

You can (and should) put images into folders - too many images in a folder will also cause problems in the program.  To do this, you can specify an existing or new folder by typing it in the "or create new destination subfolder" box.

Click the Browse button(s) to select pictures from your computer to send to the server.

Images - Upload tab

If you already have images uploaded, you can select the "Your Gallery" tab.  Click the small image (thumbnail) to insert that picture.

Images - Your Gallery tab

The Options tab allows you to customize your image gallery.  If it seems to be taking too long to view all the thumbnails, you can select the "No" option under "Show image thumbnails".  Click Save to save your options.

Images - Options tab

Global Settings

Global Settings Section


This is an important section as far as search engines go...



If you enter an e-mail address, it will put it as a button on your navigation bar.



Firm Name and Slogan Line will show up (at least in most templates) somewhere as a picture.  You may have to keep the text short, depending on the template.



Address information is not required...



The keywords are important!  If someone is looking for your site or one like yours, it's these keywords that get you found.  To make sure that you have good keywords, AbleTeam provides a service where they will research keywords, give you the meta tags, etc. and submit your site to the search engines...  If you decide to submit your site yourself, you may still not be found (like my site!).















Description is what people see under your link:

It actually showed up on Yahoo!


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